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Re3gistry previous versions

    The Re3gistry is a reusable open-source solution for managing and sharing ‘reference codes’, ensuring concepts are correctly referenced in INSPIRE or for content in any other sector. The Re3gistry development continues under the Digital Europe Programme action. Visit here the new space

EIF interoperability level

INSPIRE Component

MIG activities

  • Semantic
  • Metadata
  • Data
  • Data & Service Sharing

Work package 6 “Registers.”


Authoritative reference codes need to be provided in an open and consistent way so that they can be readily reused in information systems. These can be seen as key ‘semantic assets’ that enable data interoperability by clearly referring to concepts. Lists that provide unique identifiers for such items, together with the items’ descriptions, are referred to as registers, and the systems and software that support the management of registers are known as registries.

An online tool, the INSPIRE registry service, was needed to share such codes in INSPIRE’s reference registers and make these assets available for not only information systems but also any sector to view and reuse as core material for data covered in the INSPIRE Directive’s thematic annexes.

The solution powering the INSPIRE tool, the re3gistry, licensed under the EUPL,  has been developed in a context-neutral way as an open-source project so that it can be deployed or further developed for any sector wanting to have authentic reference data/codes made available for information systems and human users.

Nowadays, ARE3NA is still improving the software, and in parallel, it is supporting the study and the implementation of the “Federation of registries”, another missing item in the software market. This feature will allow registering extensions and other externally governed reference codes so that they can be traced and reused by a bigger audience.

Some reusers of the solution


Name of the Service

European Commission

INSPIRE registry


Systém registrov ENIPI

Republic of North Macedonia

NSDI registry

European Commission

Geosmartcity registry

European Commission

ELISE Energy Pilot registry


Austrian INSPIRE Registry


Sistema di Registri INSPIRE Italia


Finnish INSPIRE registry


Registro Inspire de España

Czechia Registr číselníků ČÚZK - INSPIRE
Germany GDI-DE Registry

Private - Minerva intelligence

More information

  1. Software releases
  2. Software documentation
  3. Re3gistry leaflet
  4. Re3gistry roadmap
  5. Register federation study - D.2 Final Report


Last update: 29/06/2021

New Re3gistry release

Open Source SoftwareStandardisationStandardisation
Last update: 30/06/2021

Video: Re3gistry version 2 – Manage and share reference codes in a simple way, INSPIRE Conference, Sep 2017

Open Source SoftwareCollaborationeGovernment