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Slovakia studying best eDocument practices

Slovakia studying best eDocum…

Published on: 02/12/2016 News Archived

The government of Slovakia is studying the best practices for creating electronic alternatives of paper-based workflows. In November, the Ministry for Computerisation asked the public to comment on a draft methodology for converting legal text into electronic equivalents.

The process is intended for public administrations, lawyers, notaries, patent specialists and other public service agents that require their electronic documents to be as valid as their paper equivalent. The aim is to specify the requirements and procedure for the conversion. It should describe how to transform a paper-based document to an electronic format, including certification and authorisation methods.

The methodology should allow for several kinds of transformations:

  • from paper to electronic format;
  • from an electronic format to paper; and
  • from one electronic format to another.


The draft methodology, which was open for comment until 13 November, included a description of existing solutions that could help guarantee a correct conversion. Options include the use of digital seals and services to use and verify electronic signatures.

More information:

Announcement by Slovakia’s Deputy Minister’s Office for Informatisation (in Slovak)