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eStandards Final Conference 26-27 June 2017, Brussels

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 25/06/2017 Event Archived
Address: Avenue Marnix 17, 1000 Bruxelles
Phone: 02 519 68 71

The eStandards consortium is pleased to announce the eStandards Final Conference.
This two-day event will take place in Brussels hosted by CEN TC251 at  the CEN-CENELEC premises, Avenue Marnix 17, on June 26-27, 2017.

You are invited to think of a global eHealth ecosystem where we all enjoy timely safe and informed health anytime anywhere and interoperability assets fuel creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation.

In this eStandards conference, you will be part of in-depth discussions on the future of eHealth Standards that really impact the digital future of health.

We will present the core elements of the final eStandards roadmap and discuss the way to create a new generation of eHealth standards that nurture Trust and Flow, strengthen Europe’s voice, and enable co-creation in interoperability with trusted dialogs on health, costs, and plans to meet great expectations for large-scale eHealth deployment.

eStandards that help move forward with large-scale eHealth deployment in Europe, stepping forward from current best practices and employing the tools of the digital age will be discussed in four focus areas:

(e) patient summaries for emergency and unplanned care

(b) identification of medicines

(c) chronic disease management

(d) european reference networks for rare diseases

Stay tuned!

For more information visit:…







Expected Participants:

digital health stakeholders 

State: Pending



eHealth Standards and Profiles in Action for Europe and Beyond

eStandards Final Conference


Hosted by CEN/TC 251, the European Committee for Standardization

26-27 June, 2017 Ave Marnix 17, Brussels


Roadmap for sustainable and collaborative standard development:

Recommendations for a globally competitive Europe

Preliminary Program

Monday June 26, 2017


10:30-11:00 Welcome Address

            Co-chairs: Geert Thienpont (Ramit) & Catherine Chronaki (HL7 Foundation)

·       Tapani Piha, European Commission, DG SANTE

·       Christoph Klein, European Commission, DG CNECT


11:00-12:00 eStandards Project: introduction and objectives

·       Overview of the eStandards vision and achievements Catherine Chronaki

·       What is the eStandards roadmap and how you can help shape it? Robert Stegwee


12:00-12:45 eStandards coCreation-Governance-Alignment (CGA) framework Petra Wilson


Lunch 12:45-13:30





13:30-15:00 – The Health System & Market perspectives

Co-chairs: Vincent van Pelt & Manne Andersson


eStandards Guideline for eHealth Interoperability practitioners: today’s best practice Vincent van Pelt (10 min)


13:40-14:00 Lightning Interventions (90 sec/1 slide)

·       Stephan Schug, EHTEL

·       Karima Bourquard, IHE Europe

·       Valentina Lisi, HOPE

·       Pantelis Angelidis, VIDAVO


14:00-14:45 Breakout session

Rapporteurs: Stephan Schug, Karima Bourquard, Pantelis Angelidis, Vincent van Pelt

How do we move from current best practices to eStandards for digital health?


14:45-15:00 Feedback from Rapporteurs and Discussion


15:00-15:30 Coffee break


15:30-17:00 – The Citizen & Workforce perspectives

Co-chairs: Dipak Kalra and Morten Bruun-Rasmussen

How can we create, develop, use, and quality test health data to transform the health sector?

How health data can mediate and improve communication for patients and their health team?


Content Creation and Quality Management for Interoperability Testing Dipak Kalra and Morten Bruun-Rasmussen (10 min)


15:40-16:10 Lightning Interventions:

·       Celia Boyer, HON

·       Mary Cleary, ICS, JAseHN

·       Michael Johansen, MedCom

·       Michael Noehammer, Austrian Chamber of Physicians

·       Ines Hernando, COCIR

·       Vincent van Pelt for Bert Mulder, Haagse Hogeschool


16:10-17:00 Discussion


19:00-22:00 Invited Dinner: KWINT, Mont des ARTS 1, Brussels



Tuesday June 27, 2017

8:30-8:45 Welcome – Summary of Day #1 - Dedication of eStandards Roadmap.

Co-chairs: Catherine Chronaki and Robert Stegwee

Marcel Heldoorn, Dutch Patient Federation


8:45-9:30 Roadmap objectives for the four Focus Areas

Robert Stegwee and Petra Wilson


09:30-10:45 – Identification of medicinal products Roadmap Focus Area

Co-chairs: Shirin Golyardi, Christian Hay, Jos Devlies

What are the next steps in the identification of medicinal products and how do we take them?

How can we bridge regulatory side of medicines with the clinical world of health care delivery?


Introduction to the Identification of medicinal products Focus Area, Christian Hay & Jos Devlies (10 min)


09:40-10:00 Lightning Interventions

·       Elena Petelos, Public Health Specialist and Regulatory Expert

·       Manne Andersson, Swedish eHealth Agency

·       Jos Devlies, Custodix

·       Christian Hay, GS1


09:50-10:30 Breakout Session

Rapporteurs: Elena Petelos, Shirin Golyardi, Christian Hay, Jos Devlies

What are the urgent CGA actions moving forward? What are the artefacts that we need to focus our attention?


10:30-10:45 Discussion: Findings and Synthesis


10:45-11:00 Coffee Break



11:00 – 12:30 Patient Summary for Emergency or Unplanned care Roadmap Focus Area

Co-chairs: Stephen Kay, Giorgio Cangioli, Karima Bourquard, Vincent van Pelt

How can the patient summary be used productively for emergency or unplanned care, serving as a window to a person’s health data?


Introduction to the Unplanned and Emergency Care Focus Area. Giorgio Cangioli, Stephen Kay (10 min)


11:10-11:30 Lightning Interventions (90 sec/1 slide)

·       Marcello Melgara, eHDSI Member States Expert Group Semantic Task Force Organization WG & LISPA

·       Christof Gessner eHDSI Member States Expert Group Semantic Task Force Architecture WG & Gematik

·       Karima Bourquard, IHE Europe

·       Vincent vanPelt, NICTIZ

·       Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Foundation

·       Michael Noehammer, Austrian Chamber of Physicians

·       Mary Cleary, ICS & JAseHN


11:30-12:15 Breakout Session

Rapporteurs: Stephen Kay, Marcello Melgara, Christof Gessner, Mary Cleary

How can patient summaries delivered in the eHDSI will be protect all European citizens?

What are the artefacts that we need to focus our attention?

What are the urgent CGA actions moving forward?


12:15-12:30 Discussion: Findings and Synthesis


12:30-13:00 Lunch


13:00-14:15 - Chronic Disease Management Roadmap Focus Area

Co-Chairs: Robert Stegwee & Catherine Chronaki

How do we bring the chronic disease patients at the center of their care to work towards their life goals with support from their health team?


Introduction to the Chronic Disease Management Focus Area, Robert Stegwee (10 min)


13:10-13:30 Lightning Interventions

·       Pantelis Angelidis, VIDAVO

·       Camilla Torlasco, ESH

·       Estelle Huchet, AGE Platform


13:30-14:15 Discussion


14:15-14:30 Coffee Break


14:30-15:45 Rare Disease Networks Roadmap Focus Area

Co-chairs: Petra Wilson, Victoria Hedley, Zoi Kolitsi

How do we connect the rare disease networks creating value and economies of scope that benefit research and patient communities?

             How patient summaries would make sense for rare disease networks?


Introduction to Rare Disease Network Roadmap Focus Area, Petra Wilson & Victoria Hedley(10 min)


14:40-15:00 Lightning Interventions

·       Zoi Kolitsi, eHealth Strategist

·       Victoria Hedley, RD-Action

·       Suzanne Hollmann, CHARM

·       Michele Thonnet, JAseHN, eHN

·       Dipak Kalra, EuroRec


15:00-15:45 Discussion


15:45-16:15 Closing Panel: Carrying the Roadmap forward

Policy perspective: Michele Thonnet, Tapani Piha, Manne Andersson

SDO perspective:Robert Stegwee, Catherine Chronaki, Charles Parisot

What policy initiatives can change our ways of working with eHealth interoperability practitioners to make sure that large-scale eHealth deployment can take place in a sustainable way?

How do we make sure that we benefit from digital health tools in standardization in terms of collaboration, implementation and deployment?

How do we ensure collaboration and coCreation across initiatives, both as SDO’s as well as from a policy perspective?




Physical location
Address: Avenue Marnix 17, 1000 Bruxelles
Phone: 02 519 68 71