The goal of this project is to provide tools to facilitate the access to the e-PRIOR platform. These tools can also be used with Open e-PRIOR, the open source version of e-PRIOR hosted on OSOR. The IDABC e-Invoicing and e-Ordering project was started in the summer of 2007 by the Directorates-General for Internal Market (DG-MARKT) and for Informatics (DIGIT) of the European Commission. In brief, this project aims at a practical implementation of interoperable electronic services at a pan-European level, predominantly, within the post-awarding phase of Public Procurement. Open e-PRIOR is the Open Source version of the abovementioned e-PRIOR platform which is currently in production at the European Commission. Additionally to its web-services interface, and to accelerate the participation of Member States in PEPPOL, Open e-PRIOR is connected to the PEPPOL network via its own PEPPOL Gateway. Open e-PRIOR is available to all Members States wishing to exchange standardised electronic documents via secured communication channels. The objective of the PEPPOL (Pan-European Public eProcurement On-Line) project is to set up a pan-European pilot solution that, conjointly with existing national solutions, facilitates EU-wide interoperable public eProcurement. The vision of the PEPPOL project is that any company and in particular SMEs in the EU can communicate electronically with any European governmental institution for the entire procurement process. The final outcome of PEPPOL will be an interoperational environment build upon national systems and infrastructures supporting the full cycle of eProcurement activities.
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