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Golemio: Prague’s Data Platform

Golemio: Prague’s Data Platform

Published on: 23/09/2024 News
Featured image by Ryan Lum via Unsplash

“We’re the Prague Data Platform”

With its name inspired by the legendary Golem of Prague, Golemio offers the City of Prague an integrated open data and analytics platform for improved decision making. One of the leading projects of Smart Prague, the local development of the Smart Cities concept, Golemio is a critical component of Prague's digital transformation strategy enabling the city-wide evaluation of Data. 

An integrated open data and analytics platform 

Golemio was developed by Operátor ICT, a Prague-based company specialised in Smart City and digitalisation projects, in close collaboration with the City of Prague. Used in over 90 projects that are meant at improving the quality of life and public service delivery in Prague, Golemio is a comprehensive open data platform offering a broad range of data analytics tools.

Based on a collection of open data, Golemio enables access to a wide range of urban data from public transportation and environmental monitoring to infrastructure and better informed decision-making. Through standardised data aggregation and visualisation tools, Golemio builds on open data to offer customisable dashboards and real-time data analytic. This notably can facilitate data processing whilst enabling real time data monitoring, empowering city officials to rapidly respond to events. As a project component of the broader Smart Prague initiative, Golemio also offers APIs for developers to encourage public service innovation. 

Examples of projects built upon Golemio include Prague’s response to the Covid-19 (from pandemic data analysis to testing centres and vaccine distribution), mobility analysis and planning, energy analytics projects to inform energy saving measures. 

Open source development and engagement

Making Golemio available open source was a strategic decision towards a more transparent decision making process at the local level and public service innovation, in Prague and beyond. Golemio’s code is available on GitLab and its open APIs are accessible through Swagger. 

The team behind Golemio is also actively engaged in developing an open data community and supporting consultative decision making processes. Beside offering consultancy services to a significant number of data-based innovative projects in the City of Prague, Golemio also organises different community events in Prague. It notably organised the Prague City Data Congress in 2022.

Original research and draft by Jan Ainali. 

Featured image by Ryan Lum via Unsplash