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Webinar on GeoDCAT-AP: Adoption and implementation experiences of the geospatial extension to DCAT-AP on 16 July 2019 10:00-12:00 CEST

Published on: 20/06/2019 Last update: 02/09/2019 Event Archived

GeoDCAT webinar

The Semantic Interoperability Community (SEMIC) action of the ISA2 programme invites you to its webinar on “GeoDCAT-AP: Adoption and implementation experiences of the geospatial extension to DCAT-AP” taking place on the 16 July 2019 10:00-12:00 CEST (GMT+2).

The GeoDCAT Application profile for Data Portals in Europe (GeoDCAT-AP) has been developed as an extension of the DCAT-AP specification under the ISA2 programme. GeoDCAT-AP enables a cross-domain data portal search for datasets. It makes it easier to share descriptions of spatial datasets between spatial data portals and general data portals, and thus helps increase public and cross-sector access to such datasets.

The webinar will present examples of its implementation in EU Member States, as well as the integration and possible adoption of GeoDCAT-AP in specifications published by standardisation bodies - in particular, W3C and OGC.

Designed in an interactive way, the webinar gives you the opportunity to discuss with our GeoDCAT-AP experts and to share your experience with GeoDCAT-AP!

You can view the full agenda, presentations and information on speakers below.

How to register?

Please sign up for the webinar by Friday 12 July 12:00pm. You will receive the webinar connection details upon your registration.

Do you have any questions?

Contact our team via

Want to know more about the SEMIC action and solutions?

Check out the SEMIC action page on the ISA2 website and visit our SEMIC community on Joinup!


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1. Opening and introduction

Ms. Pavlina Fragkou

ISA² Programme Manager, DIGIT, European Commission



2. Introduction to GeoDCAT-AP

Mr. Andrea Perego

Scientific Project Officer, JRC, European Commission



3. GeoDCAT-AP & standard bodies - W3C

Mr. Andrea Perego

Scientific Project Officer, JRC, European Commission



4. GeoDCAT-AP & standard bodies - Open Geospatial Consortium

Mr. Danny Vandenbroucke

Research Manager at KU Leuven, Belgium



5. GeoDCAT-AP in Italy

Mr. Antonio Rotundo

Geographic Information Expert, Agency for Digital Italy (AgID)



6. GeoDCAT-AP in Flanders

Ms. Geraldine Nolf

Product Manager Metadata and Data Publication & Team coach Data Management, Informatie Vlaanderen



7. Q&A and closing

Ms. Susanne Wigard

ISA² Programme Manager, DIGIT, European Commission






Andrea Perego

Andrea Perego

Scientific Project Officer, JRC, European Commission

Andrea Perego is a Scientific Project Officer at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC), where he coordinates research activities concerning the impact and uptake of digital transformation in the public sector.

Andrea has been involved during his whole professional experience in European and international initiatives aiming to promote cross-domain data and service interoperability, and he has been leading relevant work in the context of the EU INSPIRE Directive and the Research Data Alliance (RDA).

In the framework of the EU ISA/ISA2 Programme, Andrea co-chaired the working groups who designed the Core Location Vocabulary and GeoDCAT-AP.


Danny Vandenbroucke

Danny Vandenbroucke

Research Manager at KU Leuven, Belgium

Danny Vandenbroucke is Research Manager at KU Leuven, Belgium. Over the past 30 years, he was involved as project manager and senior GI expert in more than 70 small and large GI and EO projects at local, national and international level. He is involved in INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) developments since 2002, e.g. as co-chair of the INSPIRE Drafting Team on Monitoring and Reporting for which he co-edited the Implementing Rules. He is chair of the ISO/TC 211 and CEN/TC 287 Belgian Mirror Committee, and co-chair of the Metadata & Catalogue Domain Working Group (MetCat DWG) of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). He worked with Lieven Raes on an OGC Discussion Paper on geoDCAT-AP implementations and led a pilot project to use GeoDCAT-AP to harvest the Belgian Federal Geoportal.


Antonio Rotundo

Antonio Rotundo

Geographic Information Expert, Agency for Digital Italy (AgID)

Senior consultant in data management with 17+ years of work experiences, mainly in Geographic Information and interoperability-related fields.

Specialized in the implementation of spatial data infrastructures in according to international, European and national standards such as ISO and OGC Standards, INSPIRE Directive and its implementing rules and guidelines regarding metadata, data and network services.

Also specialized in semantic assets for promoting and improving semantic interoperability for data and services contributing to the definition of core vocabularies, data models, metadata profiles, technical specifications within the broader European framework.

In AgID he deals with the implementation and the management of:

  • the National Catalogue for Spatial Data;
  • the INSPIRE Italia registry;
  • the GeoDCAT-AP-related actions;
  • the national technical specifications and guidelines related to Geographic Information.

In this context he also have been participating in ISA/ISA2 and INSPIRE MIG WGs and activities, such as the INSPIRE MIG sub-group on the update of INSPIRE metadata TGs, the WG for the definition of GeoDCAT-AP specification, the INSPIRE MIG sub-group on validation and conformity testing, the INSPIRE action on central INSPIRE registers and register federation, the MIG action on improving accessibility of data sets through network services.


Geraldine NOLF

Geraldine Nolf

Product Manager Metadata and Data Publication & Teamcoach, Data Management of Informatie Vlaanderen

Geraldine Nolf is active in the field of geographic information since 2005 and joined Informatie Vlaanderen (Regional Government, Flanders, Belgium) in 2007. She is working as product manager and expert on metadata and the publication of data and she contributes to initiatives and activities on the implementation of INSPIRE and Open Data. She is specialized in the implementation of spatial data infrastructures according to international, European and regional standards such as ISO and OGC Standards, INSPIRE Directive and its implementing rules and guidelines regarding metadata especially.

Her main focus is the interoperability between metadata standards. Her goal is to come towards a reusable reference implementation and harmonized strategy for metadata catalogues. Keeping it simple to describe and publish for data providers their data, with the ‘once only’ principle in mind, reaching the widest possible audience, and being at the same time in line with all regulations applicable to their data domain. Closing the gap for metadata between the Geographic and the General Open government data is the first step, other data domains will follow (e.g. Personal & Company Data, API’s, Statistical Data, Archival Information). In this context she promotes the results at meetings and partner events (e.g. INSPIRE/JRC, ISA², W3C, OGC) and she has been participating in ISA², OGC and INSPIRE working groups and activities (e.g. DCAT-AP, GeoDCAT-AP, INSPIRE MIG sub-group on the update of INSPIRE metadata TG).




Physical location