Traditionally, citizens and businesses have had to provide documentation to the requests of the public services to which they want to choose to prove compliance with the requirements and conditions that determine the awarding proving possession of a requirement. This has made it difficult from the perspective of the user their relationship with government. Today the need to provide documentation may be replaced by an online consultation to inform the data of these attributes or by an electronic certificate.
Increasing interoperability between the information systems of the different administrations that contain data and issue certificates that are required by other entities to avoid the need for the user to provide this documentation.
The goal of the Catalan model interoperability part way open government is to provide solutions that allow them to avoid that citizens and companies have to provide information (data, documents and certificates in general) that are available the administrations and public institutions; so as to enable them to comply with the law.
Service Description
The introduction of new technologies can alleviate the burden imposed on users of government when requesting a service that requires prior to submitting the application, perform new procedures with other institutions to collect a set of documentation that respect the guarantees laid down in the rules of protection of personal data can be requested by the administration in offering services of information we own.
In 2006 laid the foundations that have enabled interoperability is becoming a reality with the signing Catalan government Interoperability Framework Convention between the Government of Catalonia, and Localret AOC, which, from initially, it was signed by the City council and has built the legal architecture to enable interoperability between information systems of the Catalan authorities.
Since 2007, he completed the stage of the Catalan model of interoperability by developing technological infrastructure connecting one hand the integration platform developed by the Generalitat of Catalonia and on the other, SARA System Applications and Networks for the Administrations of the General Administration of the State. This allowed them effective access to various certificates of the Spanish Agency for Tax Administration and the General Treasury of the Social Security and, in general, to offer complete services of data transmission and certificates will doing central administration.
SARA This connection is twofold: enabling act allows the Consortium also access to services offered finalists bodies of the General Administration of the State, such as the service of the General Directorate of Traffic card access points or applications income Tax Agency.
Users and activity
Currently (January 2019) 931 catalan public entities are using Via Oberta.
Developments in recent years with regard to exchange data and documents made were as follows:
2009: 122,827
2010: 2,753,692
2011: 3,903,469
2012: 6,641,952
2013: 12,234,086
2014: 14,737,980
2015: 20,442,540
2016: 20,892,690
2017: 27,558,150
2018: 39,647,288
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