ABOUT LEOS ================================================================================ LEOS is a software that was created under ISA2 Action 2016.38 Legislation Interoperability Tools - LegIT to address the need of the public administration and European Institutions to generate draft legislation in a legal XML format. It is a legislation editor and this current prototype supports the drafting of the 'secondary' legislation of the EU law which has to be adopted under the Ordinary Legislative Procedure. Therefore, it covers the writing of Proposals for Directive, Decision and Regulation submitted by the Commission to the Council and the Parliament. If you want to find out more about this procedure, please read the European Parliament's article. europarl.europa.eu/about-parliament/en/powers-and-procedures/legislative-powers Given the high diversity of legislative traditions encountered across the Union and the different levels of modernisation, it was extremely difficult to provide a universal single turnkey ICT solution that adapts to each specific context. Even if a significant part of the business logic can be found embedded in the code, we design with the goal of delivering re-usable building blocks so LEOS is released Open Source as we believe that some parts of it could be reused and adapted by some other Public Administration having similar needs. For more information on the features please follow us on Joinup: joinup.ec.europa.eu/solution/leos-open-source-software-editing-legislation The code is available for free under EUPL licence (version 1.2 or – as soon they will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence")), and the development team paid attention to organise the code in a structured way to ease its reusability (modules, plugins…). For more information on the EUPL licence: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/eupl The LEOS demo provided in our release comes with an example user interface that includes the logo of the European Commission. This is just for demonstration purpose and please note that the logo of the European Commission may be used by third parties only if: - Permission is requested and granted before the logo is used - There is no likelihood of the user of the logo being confused with the European Commission - It is not used in connection with objectives or activities which are incompatible with the aims and principles of the European Commission - It is not used to imply or suggest unintended endorsement or promotion of the objectives and activities of the user of the logo by the European Commission For more information please visit : ec.europa.eu/info/resources-partners/european-commission-visual-identity_en WHAT'S NEW? ================================================================================ The main differences compared to the previous version are: - Improved Annotations with new bulk actions and revisited logic for orphan handling as well as enhanced UI for better user experience; - New Search&Replace functionality with fine grained occurrences detection option, improved navigation over results and enhanced replace functionality; - Core XML handling library migrated to Xerces, resulting in revised Architecture, better code testing coverage and performance enhancements; - Enhanced collaborators management feature; - First iteration of new standalone export module that enables the extraction of HTML renditions given a .leg package; - Several bug fixes and enhanced editing experience; WHAT'S GONE? ================================================================================ Nothing this time. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ================================================================================ We would like to thank our collaborators from Ref2Link project for providing us the Ref2Link version 1.2.0 . https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/justice-law-and-security/solution/ref2link We welcome further contributions. So have your say! We count on your feedback. GET IN TOUCH ================================================================================ We are envisaging to create an open source community on software for legislation drafting, in order to share best practices, experiences, expertise, and why not code!! Should you be interested in joining our open source community, or you would just like to share with us some observations on our work, please contact us at: DIGIT-LEOS-FEEDBACK@ec.europa.eu. We are looking forward to hearing from you, The LEOS Team CHANGE LOG ================================================================================ 3.1.1 (LEOS) ------------------ * Patch fix for Log4Shell error: CVE-2021-44228 3.1.0 (LEOS) ------------------ * Proposal Viewer - Management support for collaborators that belong to more than a single group; * Annotations - New button to disable annotations popup; - New Bulk actions over annotations: - Multi selection of annotations; - Possibility to accept / reject / delete several annotations in bulk; - Improved orphan detection algorithm for suggestions; - Improved orphan contextualization for suggestions: include preceding and succeeding text to help the drafter to locate the exact placement; - New Comment feature for suggestions; - UI improvements on annotations panel: - Scrollable annotations pane; - New clear filter button; - CKEditor added allowing text styling and URLs to be added to comment annotations; - Annotation card display date format reviewed; * Annex Viewer - Show annex number on UI; * Document Viewer - New Search&Replace functionality: - New occurrences counter and possibility to navigate over occurrences; - New match case & whole words search features; - Possibility to replace single occurrence or all occurrences in one step; - New enriched Spellcheck & grammar checker; - Implicit save: improved trigger detection functionality to optimize user experience; * Table of Content - Improved user experience by allowing user to close details pane when selecting an element; * AKN4EU Utils - New export export service available: export HTML Renditions; * Technical Tasks & Improvements - Ref2link updated to 1.2.0 version; - Migrated from VTD to Xerces library; - Navigation between editing instances with explicit need to save&close first; - CKEditor plugins placement reviewed: no longer overlaps preceding document text; - Performance improvements; - Interface rename: "Legal Text" to "Legal Act"; * Bug Fixes * Editor - Table plugin revisited and fixed several corner cases that were making structure inconsistent upon save; - In case of triple click, edition box opened and the annotation toolbar was displayed; - Shortcut plugins behavior consistency reviewed; - Fixed corner cases for navigation between CKEditor instances with double click functionality; - User was not able to delete all elements of mandate Article; - Removing heading of Article from CKEditor leaves empty node; - In specific corner cases, CKEditor was able to be saved with empty sub-paragraphs; * Proposal Viewer - After creation of a new proposal, independently if the chosen template, the heading would always be the same; * Annexes - Alinea of point (a) could not be edited; - Corner case issue fixed where annexes were lost when importing a new proposal; - Editor focus lost upon Level indent/outdent; - Corner case issue fixed where loading annotations on annexes was not performing correctly; - Show co-edition message on save fixed; - Soft enter was missing for Annex at paragraphs; * Annotations - Fixed corner case that would prevent annotations panel to open; - Removed "Disable annotations" button on Milestone Explorer; - Annotation: conflicts with requirejs; - Fixed issue: Users were able to create comments on Milestone explorer view under certain circumstances; - Notification of displayed annotations now working for posting groups (not only to Collaborators); - Author filter reviewed; * Milestone Explorer - Corner case issue fixed where annexes inclusion on milestone was not correct; * Document Viewer - Ref2link URLs styling fixes; - Fixed corner cases working with articles without heading; * Table of Content - Deleting point on moved list caused invalid numbering; - Moved list of points could not be moved back to original position; - Edition of TOC on annexes errors fixed; * Diffing feature - Styling issues fixed; * Versions management - Wrong list remained displayed after revert followed by save; - Recent changes list with invalid versions fixed; - Last edited time on versions synched with real last edition; 3.0.0 (LEOS-Pilot) ------------------ * Updated HOWTO documentation * Proposal Viewer - Milestone explorer: - Display all documents contained in a Milestone with version information; - Show annotations up to the selected milestone version for each document; * Legal Text Viewer - New Inline Table of content edition, replacing pre-existing pop-up window. - New versions management. - New comparison view in split mode replacing pre-existing pop-up window. - Improved Internal references: - Display all referenceable documents in internal references pop-up window; - New Inter-document referencing feature; * Explanatory Memorandum Viewer - New versions management. - New comparison view in split mode replacing pre-existing pop-up window. * Annex Viewer - New Inline Table of content edition, replacing pre-existing pop-up. - New versions management. - New comparison view in split mode replacing pre-existing pop-up window. - New structured annexes: - Level annexes: Annexes composed by AKN4EU Level elements; - Article annexes: Annexes composed by Article elements; * Repository Viewer - New filters by template and by role in the proposal - Proposal can be opened by selecting proposal card. * Annotations - Improved user interface and usability. - New filters with possibility to use composed conditions. - New guidelines functionality connecting document anchors (highlights) to the specific annotation it relates to. - Allow multi-selection of annotations. - Annotation: Overlapping document anchors with distinct layout colors. - Support role now able to see all available groups for posting. - Removal of the annotations from the milestones. Comments should not leave Leos * LEOS configuration - Templates configuration improvements. Support for your ANK format - Configure autonumbering - AKN elements and rules - CKEditor behaviour with AKN elements - Templates versioning improvements * LEOS services - New services for the integration with other systems * Technical improvements - SAML authentication Integration. - New PDF export integrated. (Spain contribution) * Bug fixes * Updated dependencies (frameworks and libraries) - Upgrade Vaadin to 8.8.6 - Upgrade to CKEditor 4.12.1 2.1.0 (LEOS-Pilot) ------------------ * Updated HOWTO documentation * Proposal Viewer - Improved user interface - Milestone. - Co-edition icon and alerts - New template "Council Decision" * Legal Text Viewer - Improved user interface - Improved Toc edition - Edition of Citations and Recitals at unit level - Co-edition icon and alerts. - Implicit save - Internal references pattern changed - Restore to a previous version - Styles improved for the display of the document - Grammatical and spell checker added in Editor * Explanatory Memorandum Viewer - Improved user interface - Improved Toc edition - Co-edition icon and alerts - Implicit save - Restore to a previous version - Styles improved for the display of the document - Grammatical and spell checker added in Editor * Annex Viewer - Improved user interface - Improved Toc edition - Co-edition icon and alerts - Implicit save - Restore to a previous version - Styles improved for the display of the document - Grammatical and spell checker added in Editor * Annotations - Improved user interface * LEOS configuration - New roles/actions configuration to ease customization - Templates configuration improvements - Possibility to support templates that don't have memorandum mandatory by default - Integration with ISA2 Open CMIS Repo * LEOS services - New services for the integration with other systems * Technical improvements - Removed Kotlin layer and dependencies - Refactored i18 (internationalization) module * Bug fixes * Updated dependencies (frameworks and libraries) - Ref2link version 1.0.3 * Removed - Context menu to update list number styles - Smart break feature to identify the id attribute 2.0.0 (LEOS-Pilot) ------------------ * Updated HOWTO documentation * Repository Browser - New upload feature * Proposal Viewer - Improved user interface - Download - Styles for XML added to the downloaded file. * Legal Text Viewer - Improved user interface - Sync scrolling between edit and changes pane - Improved Toc edition - Internal reference auto label generation - LEOS Editor - Improved image plugin - Context menu to update list number styles - Smart break feature to identify the id attribute - Validating AKN xml documents asynchronously * Explanatory Memorandum Viewer - Improved user interface - Improved Toc edition * Annex Viewer - Improved user interface - Improved Toc edition - LEOS Editor - New justify and centre text plugin. * Annotations - Add comments and highlights on Legal text - Provide suggestions on a part of text - Accept or reject a suggestion * Technical improvements * Bug fixes * Updated dependencies (frameworks and libraries) 1.0.0 (LEOS-Pilot) ------------------ * Updated HOWTO documentation * Repository Browser - Redesigned user interface - Create proposal - Documents list as proposals - Switch to display documents/proposals - Document list filters * Proposal Viewer - View/Edit proposal metadata - Download a proposal - Delete a proposal - Management of contributors - Management of Annexes * Legal Text Viewer - View/Edit legal text - LEOS Editor - Save/Close - Paste from MS-Word - Switch to UnNumbered Paragraph - Improved document changes pane - Version selector - Change markers - Change navigation - Timeline window - Single/Two column comparison - Show/Hide intermediate version for comparison - Version navigation using slider - Change marker navigation - Save as major version - Import from Official Journal - User guidance - Search and replace text * Explanatory Memorandum Viewer - View/Edit explanatory memorandum text - Improved document changes pane - Version selector - Change markers - Change navigation - Timeline window - Single/Two column comparison - Show/Hide intermediate version for comparison - Version navigation using slider - Change marker navigation - Save as major version - User guidance - View/Edit table of contents * Annex Viewer - View/Edit annex text - Improved document changes pane - Version selector - Change markers - Change navigation - Timeline window - Single/Two column comparison - Show/Hide intermediate version for comparison - Version navigation using slider - Change marker navigation - Save as major version * Updated dependencies (frameworks and libraries) * Updated user database management with roles * Technical improvements and enhanced user experience Note: Some features/sections which were part of the previous releases are removed for e.g. Comments viewer, suggestions, document locking as they are currently being re-developed in Pilot. 3.1.0 (Prototype) ----------------- * Comments Viewer - Feature to suggest a change in the text * Document Viewer - Accept or delete suggested changes - Comments deletion with button * Updated dependencies (frameworks and libraries) * Technical improvements and bug fixes 3.0.0 (Prototype) ----------------- * Updated HOWTO documentation * Document Viewer - Document changes pane - Version selector - Change markers - Change navigation * Editor - New inline edition - Improved user comments * Updated dependencies (frameworks and libraries) * Technical improvements, updated module structure and bug fixes 2.0.0 (Prototype) ----------------- * New HOWTO documentation * New user interface theme - Colors - Fonts - Icons * Repository Browser - Redesigned user interface - Document list filters - Deletion of documents - Management of contributors * LEOS Editor - User comments - Text highlights - Cross-references - Sub-paragraphs * Comments viewer - View, add, edit and delete comments * Collaborative work - Document author (Role) - Document contributor (Role) - Document stages (Workflow) * Updated dependencies (frameworks and libraries) * Fixes (incomplete) for Firefox (ESR 38.3) and Internet Explorer (11) 1.0.0 (Prototype) ----------------- * Initial joinup open source release. BUGS ================================================================================ There might be bugs or incomplete features present in this version as pilot is still under active development.