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Core business and core location vocabularies piloted in Greece

Core business and core locati…

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 26/09/2012 News Archived

The metadata descriptions of more than 28000 companies registered in the Greek Tax Authorities business registry have been published as linked open data using the core business and core location vocabularies.

This impressive achievement is the outcome of the thesis of Natasa Varitimou, a student at the MSc in Information and Communication Technology Systems offered by the International Hellenic University.

The development team also involves Nikos Loutas, Principal Advisor at PwC, Vassilios Peristeras, Programme Officer at EC ISA, and Agis Papantoniou a member of the trending linked open data app.

The pilot consumed linked business data from SPARQL endpoint. The data was then modelled using core business and core location. Google Refine RDF extension was used for transforming and publishing linked data.

 “Modelling was not a trivial task...” says Natasa and continues “... describing companies types and activity with properties of the Code Class was challenging. We had to describe in the schema 66 different company types that exist in Greece in a new controlled vocabulary...”

Well-structured, dereferencalble URIs were designed in order to assign to each legal entity a unique Web identifier. Currently, all legal entities are assigned URIs of the following structure /resource/company/{afm}, where afm is the unique identifier of a legal entity maintained by the tax authorities.

To browse Greek company data, please visit

To query for Greek company data, our SPARQL endpoint is available at

For more information, do not hesitate to contact:

Natasa Varitimou at a.varitimou at and Nikos Loutas at nikolaos.loutas at

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