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The 10th Multi Stakeholder Platform meeting: 4th of December

The 10th Multi Stakeholder Pl…

Published on: 02/12/2014 Last update: 17/10/2017 News Archived

We are pleased to announce that we will attend the 10th Multi Stakeholder Platform the 4th of December in Brussels.

Here is the agenda of the event:

1. Opening of the meeting

  • Opening and Welcome
  • Meeting arrangements

2. Adoption of the agenda

3. Previous MSP meeting – 22/05/2014

  • Approval of the draft minutes of the previous meeting
  • Follow up actions

4. MSP: Policy and management issues

  • Information about renewal of appointment MSP members (for information)
  • Document on identification process (for decision)

5. Policy priorities: Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation

  • RP
  • EU Policy areas requiring standardisation activities

6. Identification of ICT specifications

  • Debrief on the 1st meeting Commission-Member States on the method, criteria and priorities for submission of ICT technical specifications
  • Reports from the evaluation working group
  • New ICT TS proposed for identification
  • Update about the identification process of IHE profiles

7. MSP Member issues and initiatives

8. Meeting calendar

9. Any other business

We hope to see you there and discuss the future of ICT in Europe.

City/Location: Brussels