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Guide for opening CAMSS tools and assessments

Guide available!

Published on: 05/12/2017 News Archived

As the new versions of the CAMSS tools and assessments are released in .ods format, and the most recommended software to open this format is LibreOffice, the following is a guide with simple steps to perform in order to open them:

Step 1: Download the latest stable version of LibreOffice in the link below



Step 2: Install Libreoffice. The installation is very simple. 



Step 3: Open the CAMSS tools.


The execution of macros is disabled by default on LibreOffice. Due to the use of macros in the latest versions of CAMSS. A disclaimer in the first page of the tools indicates how to use the tools correctly with the Macros:


Execution of macros is disabled due to the current macro security setting.
Please modify your macro security setting to “Medium” in Tools - Options - LibreOffice – Security and Restart the tools


Step 4: Set the security setting to "Medium"




Step 5: Restart the tools.


LibreOffice is now installed correctly and has the required configuration to use the CAMSS tools.