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CAMSS Assessment of DCAT - EIF Scenario 2.0.0 Latest release

Published on: 19/05/2023 Last update: 24/05/2023

About the Common Assessment Method for Standards and Specifications (CAMSS

CAMSS is the European guide for assessing and selecting standards and specifications for an eGovernment project, a reference when building an architecture and an enabler for justifying the choice of standards and specifications in terms of interoperability needs and requirements. It is fully aligned with the European Standardisation Regulation 1025/2012. 

CAMSS Assessment 

CAMSS Assessment is a solution which corresponds to the output of an assessment of a standard, technical specification or standard developing/setting organisation using the CAMSS Assessment EIF Scenario. Each assessment produced is considered a CAMSS Assessment once it is approved by the CAMSS Team. Any approved assessment is published by the CAMSS Team and publicly available in Joinup. 

Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) 2.0.0

Assessment of Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) 2.0.0 with the Common assessment method for standards and technical specifications (CAMSS). 

DCAT provides RDF classes and properties to allow datasets and data services to be described and included in a catalog. The use of a standard model and vocabulary facilitates the consumption and aggregation of metadata from multiple catalogs.Data described in a catalog can come in many formats, ranging from spreadsheets, through XML and RDF to various specialized formats. DCAT does not make any assumptions about these serialization formats of the datasets but it does distinguish between the abstract dataset and its different manifestations or distributions.

The specification has been developed and maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

The assessment has been performed with the CAMSS Assessment EIF Scenario v6.0.0

Release details 

This release consists of the following release components: 

  • CAMSS Assessment of DCAT 2.0.0; The assessment of the Technical Specification performed using the CAMSS Assessment EIF Scenario. 
  • CAMSS Assessment of DCAT 2.0.0 in RDF format; The assessment of the Technical Specification in RDF format. 
  • CAMSS Assessment Summary of  DCAT 2.0.0 EIF Scenario v1.0.0; Summary of the assessment performed containing the different justifications for the CAMSS criteria per category, the results of the assessments and additional observations. 
  • CAMSS Info Package v8.1.0; Document explaining briefly CAMSS action’s context. 
  • European Union Public License v1.2; The license under which CAMSS Assessment will be released. 
  • CAMSS Assessment of DCAT 2.0.0 EIF Scenario Release Notes v1.0.0; The release notes of this CAMSS Assessment release. 
  • CAMSS Assessment of DCAT 2.0.0 EIF Scenario Release; An archive containing each of the above mentioned files.
Last update: 20/05/2023

CAMSS Assessment Summary of  DCAT 2.0.0 EIF Scenario v1.0.0

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 or later (EUPL)
Last update: 20/05/2023

CAMSS Info Package v8.1.0

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 or later (EUPL)
Last update: 20/05/2023

European Union Public License v1.2

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 or later (EUPL)
Last update: 20/05/2023

CAMSS Assessment of DCAT 2.0.0 EIF Scenario Release Notes v1.0.0

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 or later (EUPL)
Last update: 20/05/2023

CAMSS Assessment of DCAT 2.0.0 EIF Scenario Release

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 or later (EUPL)
Last update: 20/05/2023

CAMSS Assessment of DCAT 2.0.0

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 or later (EUPL)
Last update: 20/05/2023

CAMSS Assessment of DCAT 2.0.0 in RDF format

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 or later (EUPL)