General information
Name of the solution: CAMSS Ontology (Deprecated)
Solution's owner: European Commission
The CAMSS Ontology is a formal description of knowledge as a set of concepts within the CAMSS domain and the axioms connecting its concepts and allowing for logic inferences.
The CAMSS Ontology (Deprecated) implements the following:
Interoperability layers
Conceptual model
CAMSS Ontology (Deprecated) implements the following EIF recommendations as explained below:
Recommendation 21 | Interoperability governance
The CAMSS Ontology is a formal description of knowledge as a set of concepts within the CAMSS domain and the axioms connecting its concepts and allowing for logic inferences.
Recommendation 22 | Interoperability governance
The CAMSS Ontology is a formal description of knowledge as a set of concepts within the CAMSS domain and the axioms connecting its concepts and allowing for logic inferences.
Recommendation 23 | Interoperability governance
Using a common assessment method for technical specifications, CAMSSaaS provides guidelines when selecting ICT standards.
Recommendation 33 | Technical interoperability
The CAMSS ontology is based on open specifications.
Recommendation 44 | Catalogues
The CAMSS Ontology defines the conceptual model that helps to ensure the common and standardized way for the assessment and identification of Interoperability Specifications. Hence, easing to public administrations on the development of public services.