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CIRCABC 4.2.4 Latest release

Published on: 23/04/2024 Last update: 22/05/2024

The release contains a new feature, some improvements and major bug fixes.



▪ Advanced search feature 

Building upon the existing basic search functionality, advanced search feature empowers CIRCABC users with more control and precision in finding exactly what they are looking for.


▪ Members Personal data protection: 

When inviting users via the Members service, the search functionality now retrieves a restricted list containing only 5 users, displaying their first name, last name, and email address. This refined search method significantly reduces the exposure of personal data by limiting the information displayed to only what is necessary. 

• Exporting members improved: now when filtering members only the filtered list of members


• Improvement of the check-out/check-in mechanism: when a document is checked-out by a member, the ‘working copy’ becomes inaccessible for all other users. Only the source document remains accessible for users having sufficient access rights, in read-only. 


• It is now possible for an IG Leader or the creator of a Meeting or an Event to update the date and the time zone.


• The expiration date of a document is no longer allowed to be set in the past. Moreover, when the expiration date of a document is reached it is removed from the Library. 

• The back button issue in 'Details' page of a shared folder redirecting to an empty folder is fixed. The folder content is now correctly displayed. 

• The ‘Preview’ option was not working for Guest users. The issue is fixed. 

• Empty content issue of a forum when using pagination is now fixed. The topics of a forum are displayed in all cases
