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PoIT - Worlds oldest newspaper goes online (PoIT)

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 20/07/2007 Document Archived
Post-och Inrikes Tidningar (PoIT) is the Official Swedish Gazette, with a history back to 1645 when it was founded by Swedish Queen Kristina. It is the world’s oldest newspaper still being published. Since 1791 the Swedish Academy, who also appoint the Nobel Prize laureates in literature each year, is the owner of the newspaper. Since January 1, 2007 the Academy grants the publishing rights to Bolagsverket, who has transformed the PoIT from a paper edition to a web service. The name Post-och Inrikes Tidningar is product of a merger of the predecessors Posttidningen and Inrikes Tidningar.

Policy Context

According to different laws, many decisions, verdicts and other information from the Swedish government but also from companies need to be published in the official gazette.

Description of the way to implement the initiative

Before the implementation of the project there was a lot of policy and legal work on many levels. Since there were also changes in the publishing rights involved, some high-level negotiations were necessary. Multi-channel issues: The filing for announcing can be done either through the web or via mail or fax. The cost is lower when using the online method.

Technology solution

The application is built on java with oracle databases. Publication of announcements from Bolagsverket is made completely automatic via transfers of xml-coded data.

Main results, benefits and impacts

Each weekday a new issue of Post-och Inrikes Tidningar is published with 1.500-2.500 official statements and is available free of charge for anyone to read and search on the web. This is a significant step in availability compared to the previous printed version. Bolagsverket is by itself a big advertiser, announcing all changes in the registers of companies, and the cost has been reduced a lot with the new paperless solution. Innovation: The full acceptance of an online version of a publication as an official gazette is a big step into the digital era. Media around the world put a great attention to the fact that the oldest newspaper has gone completely digital.

Return on investment

Return on investment: Not applicable / Not available

Lessons learnt

Lesson 1. Patience is needed when there are a lot of policy and legal issues involved. Lesson 2. It is possible to use new technology, even when there is a legacy of historic and nostalgic values involved. Lesson 3. Since the implementation project was short and with a strong deadline, enthusiastic project members was the way to succeed. Scope: International, Local (city or municipality), National, Regional (sub-national)