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Libraries and schools join Romania Get Online week

Libraries and schools join Ro…

Published on: 02/04/2015 News Archived
Libraries and high schools in Romania participated in the ‘Get Online 2015’ campaign, organised across the EU last week. The focus of last weeks activities were employability and digital literacy, aimed in particular at school children and seniors respectively.

In Romania most of the campaigning activities took place in public libraries, schools and at the country’s public Internet access points (Puncte de Acces Public la Informație). According to the Get Online campaign, Romanians are very active contributors to the campaign, with volunteers instructing citizens on how to use the Internet.

Romania’s Ministry for Information Society announced the start of the campaign, which ran from 23 to 29 March. “Romania needs such digital inclusion initiatives”, Minister Sorin Mihai Grindeanu was quoted as saying. The ministry encourages the country’s citizens to use the Internet and new technology. Promoting the digital society should create jobs and help citizens face today’s global challenges, the ministry explained.

This is the 6th year that the Get Online 2015 campaign has been organised. It is organised by the Belgian NGO Telecentre-Europe, with two large ICT companies as the main sponsors, partnering with the European Commission’s Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs. “Demand for digitally competent professionals across all economic sectors continues to grow and is outstripping supply”, European Commissioner for the Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip, wrote in a blog post timed to coincide with the start of the campaign.


More information:
Announcement by Romania’s Ministry of Communications and Information Society (in Romanian)
Get Online Week
Blog post by Andrus Ansip, European Commissioner for the Digital Single Market