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ChamiloCamp at Paris (8 march 2023)

Published on: 24/02/2023 Event
Easter Eggs [GNU/Linux Specialist] 44-46 Rue de l'Ouest 44 Rue de l'Ouest 75014 Paris (France)

We are pleased to invite you to a free event called "ChamiloCamp" and organized by the Chamilo association with the presence of its president, Mr.Yannick Warnier.

The main theme of this meeting is the Open Source learning management platform, Chamilo LMS. This meeting has no commercial purpose, is intended to be informal and friendly. The objective of a "ChamiloCamp" is to open the dialogue around good practices while promoting the use of Chamilo and offering the French-speaking community of users a frame of reference to encourage self-organization of other events. similar.

The event called "ChamiloCamp" has the primary objective of making the Chamilo project known to users in the region, through presentations of the solution's functionalities and feedback from other participants. Its secondary objective aims to locally encourage the formation of networks of people interested in Chamilo or simply in information technology applied to education in a non-intrusive way.

The Chamilo e-learning solution is now one of the 3 most popular platforms in the world of technology-supported education, and its multicultural vision makes it a platform particularly suited to the French-speaking context! It is therefore important to organize small local events to arouse or confirm interest and facilitate exchanges during a dedicated informal evening.

In the program :

    19:00 p.m. - 19:45 p.m.: Presentation and journey to the heart of the administration of Chamilo 1.11.18
    19:45 p.m. - 20:45 p.m.: Question/answer
    20:45 p.m. - 21:45 p.m.: Workshop dedicated to the creation of exercises/tests developed with Chamilo and QCM   with ChatGPT
    21:15 p.m. - 22:00 p.m.: Q&A

We are expecting many of you, prepare your questions and take the opportunity to learn more about the Chamilo project.

Where ?

Easter Eggs [GNU/Linux Specialist] 44-46 Rue de l'Ouest 75014 Paris France

Please note that the event is free but it is strongly recommended to reserve your seat via the Evenbrite online ticket office.…

Physical location
Easter Eggs [GNU/Linux Specialist] 44-46 Rue de l'Ouest 44 Rue de l'Ouest 75014 Paris (France)