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How does Chamilo LMS boost fluency with its reading comprehension tool?

The Chamilo LMS reading comprehension tool

Published on: 20/11/2023 Last update: 19/01/2024 News

Reading fluency is an essential skill for success at school.

Students who are fluent in reading are more likely to understand the texts they read, enabling them to learn more effectively. It is important to be attentive and to identify a learner's weaknesses so that they can be given personalised care and the comfort of easier learning.

In Belgium, the French language teaching standards for reading fluency are as follows:

  • CP: 70 words per minute
  • CE1: 110 words per minute
  • CE2: 170 words per minute

These standards are based on the results of scientific studies which have shown that pupils who reach these reading speeds have a better understanding of the texts they read.

To assess reading fluency, there are numerous methods such as the reading fluency test or the reading comprehension test.

  • The reading fluency test is a tool used to measure a student's reading speed. It is a simple and quick test that can be utilized to track a student's progress over time.
  • The reading comprehension test is a tool used to measure a student's understanding of a text. It is a more complex test that can be employed to identify students who require assistance in improving their reading fluency.

Did you know that it's possible to easily automate a reading comprehension test and ensure remote monitoring to then facilitate further assistance?

The Chamilo LMS platform offers a "reading comprehension" question type with an option for adjustable speed in the reading comprehension test. This allows teachers to create customized tests that cater to the specific needs of their students.

For instance, a teacher can design a reading comprehension test set at a speed of 70 words per minute for students in the first grade (CP in French education). This test enables teachers to assess the reading fluency of these students and determine if they require help in improving their reading speed.

This test will present a text to the learner, initially appearing blurry, which gradually becomes clear at the defined speed set during its configuration.

This test will present a text to the learner, initially appearing blurry, which gradually becomes clear at the defined speed set during its configuration.

The use of the Chamilo LMS platform for evaluating reading fluency offers numerous advantages, including:

  • Simplicity of use: The Chamilo LMS platform is user-friendly, allowing teachers to quickly and easily create various tests such as reading comprehension tests, tests with varying levels of certainty, and more.
  • Customization: Chamilo LMS enables teachers to create personalized tests tailored to their students' needs.
  • Flexibility: Teachers can create tests on Chamilo LMS that can be accessed on different devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Monitoring: The platform allows for various settings for tracking results (with or without feedback, statistics, etc.).

Application of the reading comprehension tool for allophone students:

Allophone students can benefit from using Chamilo LMS's reading comprehension tool to evaluate their reading fluency. This tool allows teachers to create customized tests that cater to the specific needs of allophone students.

For instance, a teacher can design a reading comprehension test with a slower reading speed for allophone students who are beginners in learning French. This enables students to focus on text comprehension without feeling overwhelmed by the reading speed.

Moreover, Chamilo LMS's reading comprehension tool enables teachers to provide personalized feedback to allophone students, helping them understand their mistakes and make corrections.

Chamilo LMS encompasses a variety of tools that facilitate learning and enable trainers to efficiently and easily monitor progress.


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