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EU: eHealth Monthly Focus on CLEAR

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 23/06/2011 Last update: 15/07/2011 Document Archived

Description (short summary):
For any healthcare systems, chronic diseases represent the heaviest cost burden. A plethora of ICT based applications have been developed in recent years, allowing a partial tackling of problems related to specific diseases.

However, even the most advanced deployments have had limited impact, mostly focusing on pilot applications entailing little or no change on the whole healthcare system.

CLEAR proposes the implementation of a telerehabilitation service in four European Member States (Italy, Spain, Netherlands and Poland).

The ambition is to convert the project, after its completion, to a European service for telerehabilitation and to contribute to the harmonisation of eHealth services in the EU.

Number of pages: 2

Nature of documentation: Booklet


Type of document
