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AT: Position Paper on the potential of ICT in emergency medicine

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 27/07/2011 Last update: 27/09/2011 Document Archived

Description (short summary):
The eHealth Initiative (eHI) Working Group on emergency medicine was established in 2011 for the identification of every potential use of eHealth in emergency patient care. It accomplished its work with the successful completion of the present position paper which had the following objectives:

  • to outline the potential of the use of eHealth from the viewpoint of those affected (patients and their environment, Guideline Daily Amounts - GDAs).
  • to define requirements for a user-oriented grouping of the technical solutions offered, in order for the solution providers to find a guideline for the formulation of their offer to this target group.

The working group itself can not provide detailed solutions, but it makes recommendations to the relevant stakeholders.

Number of pages: 28

ISBN Number: N/A

Description of license: © 2011 ADV

Nature of documentation: Policy/Strategy papers


Type of document