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Danish national healthcare portal to go mobile in 2016

Danish national healthcare po…

Published on: 13/12/2015 News Archived

In 2016, all the services provided by the Danish eHealth portal will be accessible from mobile devices, CEO Morten Elbæk Petersen said at an event at the end of September. is the basis of the eHealthcare system in Denmark as it provides a global platform where healthcare professionals and citizens (who are also patients) can exchange and centralise their health information. “By servicing both citizens and health professionals, the portal enables the two to achieve a cooperation based on the same data”, the portal said.

Developed in 2001 and relaunched in 2009, the portal provides a list of services for citizens, including a global view of their treatment and diagnoses from their own hospital patient records, the ability to book an appointment with their general practitioner or to renew their drug prescription. However, one of the most important functions is that they can share a medical profile and their health history with the practitioner. Every citizen has his own personal page which reflects his own situation. Professionals can securely access data from the patients they treat.

40% of users from mobile devices

As a key healthcare service, needs to follow citizens’ behaviour and become mobile ready. In his presentation, Morten Elbæk Petersen said that today, 40% of users access the portal from mobiles devices.  He also pointed to “the benefits of open access to medical records on a national level – for both health professionals and patients”.

Going mobile is one the key challenges that public services must face in order to be more open to European citizens.  But, according to the 12th eGovernment benchmark report, only one in four public services in Europe are now mobile-friendly. Being mobile-ready is also strongly linked to the number of users which access services from mobile devices.