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e-ID cards for governmental employees

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 22/09/2005 Document Archived

The Slovenian government has created an e-ID system used for the unique identification of governmental employees. It only uses a unique identification number and does not contain further personal data. It can be used in different applications, not only governmental.

Main results, benefits and impacts

This identification system is based on digital certificate and electronic identification number, which is a part of the digital certificate (see also description of the general e-ID system above): -Electronic identification numbers, a part of the digital certificate, are used for this e-ID system; they are stored also in a governmental database. -The electronic identification numbers are connected to PRN and Tax number through records stored in a special register. Otherwise PRN is along with other personal data stored in the central resident registers and the same is with Tax number, which is stored in the register of Tax numbers -System is driven by a centralised authority; in detail: the e-ID system is driven by the Ministry of Public Administration; the register of Tax numbers is driven by the Slovenian Tax Authority; the Central Residents Registry is under the authority of the Ministry of Interior. -The electronic identification number is unique; it is connected to person’s personal registration number (PRN) and Tax number. -The electronic identification number does not remain the same throughout a person’s lifetime, although the personal registration number (PRN) and the Tax number are the same through person’s lifetime -The personal registration number (PRN) is obligatory for every citizen; the electronic identification number used for this e-ID system is issued only to civil servants. -The e-ID system is not limited to e-government applications only; it can be used for other applications as well.

Return on investment

Return on investment: Not applicable / Not available

Lessons learnt

The current Slovenian ID card is an authentic instrument used by citizens to prove their identity and citizenship and to cross the Slovenian borders. In addition to these functionalities, the forthcoming electronic ID card with qualified digital certificate shall be used by citizens also for conducting eServices and asserting rights in both fields of healthcare and health insurance in accordance with the regulations in force in these fields.

Scope: National