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Press release Porvoo 18 conference

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 21/05/2014 Document Archived

International Porvoo Group convenes in France 22–23 May 2014 

The international Porvoo Group will convene in the technopole of Sophia Antipolis, France on 22–
23 May 2014 to consider questions related to European electronic identity and safe online 
services. The themes of the conference include electronic identification, trust services for electronic 
transactions (for example, electronic signatures, time stamps and documents, as well as website 
verification) and matters connected with the protection of privacy. Among other things, the focus at 
the conference will be on the regulation of strong electronic identification and trust services, as well 
as the presentation of interoperable solutions. 
Topics of interest at the conference include safe identification services running on various technical 
platforms, identity thefts and the national electronic identity development projects ongoing in the 
participating countries. The National Data Exchange Layer – currently under construction – shall 
also be presented from Finland. 
Moreover, the conference will hear about the STORK project, which is underway in the European 
Union. Its objective is to make it possible to engage in online services and transactions across 
borders by means of a national electronic ID. By means of specifications set in the STORK project, 
the minimum standard of national identification solutions will also be determined. 
At the close of the conference, a roundtable discussion between national authorities and 
standardisation specialists will be organised about the demands of trust services, as well as the 
minimum level of national identities. 
The 18th conference of the Porvoo Group is hosted by ETSI, the European Telecommunications 
Standards Institute. The conference participants will include representatives from European 
For further information contact the Finnish Population Register Centre: 
Ms Tuire Saaripuu, Chair of the Porvoo Group, Head of Registration, Certification Authority 
Services, phone +358 50 563 5735, email or Ms Irene Rissanen, 
Communications Coordinator, phone +358 50 573 7210, email 
The conference web site and other material: 
The Porvoo Group is an international cooperation network coordinated by the Population Register 
Centre of Finland. The Group’s primary goal is to promote a trans-national, interoperable eID 
based on PKI technology (Public Key Infrastructure) and smart cards and chip ID cards in Europe. 
The Porvoo Group members represent European national authorities as well as the European 
Commission and the UN. The USA and Japan are also closely involved. 

Nature of documentation: Other


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