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Privacy vs Identity - Opportunity and Challenges

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 08/06/2017 Event Archived
Microsoft Headquarters
2 Kingdom Street
Paddington, London
W2 6BD

EEMA's 30th Annual Conference

An opportunity to discuss key influences and issues in the industry at this unique, intimate event.

Topics to be covered include:

  • The vision of future trends & technologies
  • The ROI from Big Data & Analyticsview agenda
  • Creating mobile identity and trust
  • Establishing identity & strong authentication
  • Securing IOT & AI to support the economy
  • Privacy, regulation & legal issues
  • Succeeding with Blockchain application
  • Developing projects for the EU & Global Markets
Expected Participants:

The conference structure and programme is specifically aimed at:

  • Senior managers directly charged with protecting their corporate infrastructure
  • Technical experts who determine security requirements and implement solutions
  • Policy and decision makers with overall security responsibility
  • Legal/Compliance/Regulatory professionals who work with policy and decision makers in establishing security policies
  • Government executives and practitioners who are responsible for protecting systems and critical infrastructures
State: Open


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Opening plenary with keynotes from Siim Sikkut, CIO Estonia and Dave Birch, Director of Innovation, Consult Hyperion

  • Guidelines for parties relying on QTSPs
  • Principles on identification for sustainable development: towards the digital age
  • Privacy v identity - sustainable solutions
  • HS2020 projects
  • Round table sessions - delegates set the agenda

Day 2

  • Impact of AI for the digital economy
  • Use of standars and conformity assessment schemes to increas trust in digital identity systems
  • VERIFY - the GDPR challenges, commercial solutions and legal recognition
  • HS2020 project stream
  • IAM & KYC challenges in banking/finance
  • Can you have privacy & IOT or will monetisation corrupt?
  • Blockchain
  • GDPR - will you be compliant before May 2018
  • Mobile enabling the data-value exchange - consumer insights and use cases
  • Regulation and legal perspectives on eSignatures, Identity & Privacy
Physical location
Microsoft Headquarters
2 Kingdom Street
Paddington, London
W2 6BD