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LV: Virtual eSignature - Remote application enabled for smart card-based eSignature holders

LV: Virtual eSignature - Remo…

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 06/02/2012 News Archived

The virtual eSignature certificate allows one to sign a document electronically on the Latvian eSignature portal without having to use a smart card. Currently, the virtual eSignature may only be purchased by individuals, but it can be used for signing the documents of legal entities, if an individual has the required signatory rights. 

Following the  announcement of LSRTC, applying for the virtual eSignature will only require a few minutes for smart card-based eSignature users; they will simply need to fill out the application form at, save it and sign it with their smart card signature, and email their application to

The application will be filed and processed within one business day by an LSRTC officer who will provide feedback to the email address used by the applicant to submit their request. Upon receipt of a confirmation, the applicant will be able to purchase one or more virtual eSignatures (depending on the number of signing times) at to then start using them on the portal, after performing prior online banking authentication.  

So far, under the traditional procedure, the applicant could only visit one of the Customer Services Centres in person and present their passport and signed application to submit the latter.  


Background information: 

The Latvian eSignature (eParaksts) enables a user to access many eGovernment services provided by Latvian authorities. A list of the mainly used services and entities requiring the use of the eSignature is available in English at The eParaksts portal was developed by the Latvia State Radio and Television Centre (LSRTC), the only certificate authority that is fully responsible for public key infrastructure. 


Further information: