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Netherlands begins eID pilots

Netherlands begins eID pilots

Published on: 24/02/2016 News Archived

The Dutch government has started pilots with electronic identification cards and smart phone apps, to allow online identification for eGovernment services. The first eID card was handed out in mid-February, marking the official start of both pilots. The eID pilots are intended to increase security, and prevent identity fraud.

The government has started tests of two eID cards, the so-called eNIK (elektronische Nederlandse IdentiteitsKaart) and a driving licence card. Both cards include a chip that can contain information which can be read by a card reader.

The cards will be tested by 1500 citizens in the cities of The Hague, Eindhoven and Groningen.

The second pilot, a project titled Idensys, concerns the testing of software solutions that are to be developed by commercial service providers, according to standards agreed with the Dutch government. At the moment, there is only one accredited supplier of such a software solution.

These software solutions are to be tested by about 30,000 citizens.

Regulatory requirements

Once the pilots have been concluded, the government will decide on the next step, the government said in a press announcement. Around the summer, the government hopes to conclude compilation of the regulatory requirements for using electronic identification solutions to access eGovernment services.

The two piloted solutions are potential successors to the country’s current Digid solution. Digid combines a username and a password, to provide access to hundreds of Dutch government websites.


More information:

Press announcement (in Dutch)
Idensys eID software solutions (in Dutch)
About Digid