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signature-verification 1.7.0 1.7.0 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 25/07/2013 Last update: 04/10/2021

Signature Verification Portal v1.7.0


Installation Overview:
The archive provides a sample configuration, covering most of the trusted certificates of AT, BE, EE, ES, FI, IS, IT, LI, PT and SI. To run the software, a Tomcat and a JDK installation is necessary. The configuration was tested with Tomcat 6.0.37 and JDK 1.6.0_38. 
The archive contains two folders, the content of the folder "apache-tomcat" is extracted to Tomcat installation folder (overriding files). The content of the folder "jdk" is extracted into the JDK installation folder. The JDK must be patched with the "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files". Finally the "JAVA_HOME" and "CATALINA_HOME" variables in the file "path/to/tomcat/scripts/setVariables.bat" need to be set to the appropriate paths.
  • Install Tomcat
  • Install Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • Patch JDK with "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files"
  • Extract the archive "" and copy the contents of the extracted folder "apache-tomcat" to the Tomcat installation folder (overriding files)
  • Copy the contents of the extracted folder "jdk" into the JDK installation folder
  • Set the "JAVA_HOME" and "CATALINA_HOME" variables in the file "path/to/tomcat/scripts/setVariables.bat" to the appropriate paths
After this steps the Signature Verifciation Portal is accessable via the URL:
The attached documentation is currently only available in German.
Last update: 24/10/2019

Signaturpruefservice Dokumentation v1.7.pdf

Last update: 24/10/2019

Dokumentation - WebService Schnittstelle v1.2.pdf

Last update: 24/10/2019