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Published on: 22/10/2011 Document Archived
Longer life expectancies and low birth rates together, impacts on the demographics of the workforce: the proportion of 50- to 64-year-olds in the workforce will be double in size compared to workers younger than 25 years (35 versus 17%) in the EU15 by the year 2025 (some of them before). Improved health and technological advances make it possible to extend work life beyond age 65 extending independence, productivity and quality of life. GOLDENWORKERS' project will develop an RTD roadmap for active aging at work.
The main goal of GOLDENWORKERS is to drive the identification of emerging technologies, new models of extending professional active life and novel application scenarios in the area of ICT for active ageing at work, leading to the structuring of a beyond the state-of-the-art research agenda, fully embraced by research and practice communities.
  • Toward the research community: Raising awareness and creating consensus among the ageing and ICT research community, on new research directions in the field of active ageing at work.
  • Towards present and future users of research results: Setting forward-looking, socio-technological scenarios for combined models of active ageing at work and ICT applications, greatly exceeding the current state of play, and ensuring that identified research roadmaps responds to then need of present and future users of the research results
  • Towards research policy-makers: Providing a sustainable decision support tool to policy-makers, for managing the research roadmap and steering research on ICT for active ageing at work.…

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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)