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Published on: 06/10/2005 Document Archived is a portal site focusing on employment, social inclusion and professional training for disabled workers. The aim of the project is to bring together information and services relating to the employment and training of the disabled and make it available through a single point of access. This information is also available to key workers and employers to support their efforts to integrate this important group into the labour market.

Description of the way to implement the initiative

The project is based on three premises: - Information is often hard to find on training availability, opportunities for work and special services for the disabled to enable their inclusion in the job market. - There is a myriad of rules and regulations concerning employment, training and the availability of special schemes and initiatives to support the social inclusion of at risk workers, which even key workers in this area find hard to fathom. - Employers and businesses are ill informed about the potential of disabled workers and often fight shy of considering them for jobs.

Technology solution

Technology choice: Standards-based technology

Main results, benefits and impacts

This portal, which provides a wide range of information and services also contains: - A database where CVs of jobseekers can be stored and accessed by key workers, training providers and employers seeking new staff. This is an entirely free service. - Within the portal there is also access to the service that provides financial support for the adaptation of the workplace to the needs of disabled workers. Access is via a secure environment protected by authentication procedures. - There is an information exchange service (HandiplaceInfo) and this also acts as a repository for publications and other material relating to the employment and training of the disabled as well as associated initiatives. Those wishing to download these documents, whether employers, key workers or the disabled themselves, can do so free of charge. - There is also access to a diary of events and activities of special interest to disabled workers, employers and key workers (Handiplace Agenda).

Return on investment

Return on investment: Not applicable / Not available

Lessons learnt

This is an important portal which has brought together a range of vital services and information to support key workers, employers, the disabled and their families, and to enable the participation and inclusion of the disabled in working life. Scope: National