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Environmental Enterprise Service Provider (E2SP)

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Published on: 21/08/2006 Document Archived
According to DPSIR (EEA) models, Environmental Agencies are in charge of measuring the State and Pressure and evaluate the Impact in order to define the most suitable Responses. Environmental Information Systems support these activities by combining the advantages of first-rate consolidated technology (Business Intelligence and Data Warehouses) to specific technical architectures tailored to environmental management tasks. E2SP is a online reporting and forecasting platform, providing an Internet based EIS and Decision Support System in ASP (Application Service Provider) mode for: data integration, data analysis through OLAP, impact analysis and forecasts, emission inventories, reporting. E2SP is funded by the eTEN program.

Description of target users and groups

Environmental managers, city managers, mobility managers, SMEs providing services to environmental agencies

Technology solution

Environmental datawarehouse, Internet, Meteorological models, Pollution forecast models, Business Intelligence.

Main results, benefits and impacts

According to the Europe-wide adopted DPSIR (Driving force ? Pressure ? State ? Impact ? Response) model and the legislative framework, the environmental agencies are in charge of measuring the state of the environment and evaluate the Impact; this implies data analysis and reporting activity as one of the core activities. These features support efficiently the daily activities of different environmental public and private institutions, on different geographic scales from regional to local. Moreover, the sharing of a common set of operative and analytical tools and the usage of the same semantics can foster the adoption of homogeneous procedures for environmental decision support also at trans-boundary level. The E2SP platform delivers the above listed functionalities as services via Internet, according to the ASP (Application Service Provider) model. The services are supplied by two service centres, whose architecture is based upon a Warehouse platform. They integrate the heterogeneous data coming from the operative level into a remote and homogeneous data repository. These data are processed by the analytical tools for advanced reporting and statistical analysis, and by forecasting modelling tools. The access to the E2SP system is realized trough a Web Enterprise Portal. The main advantages offered by E2SP are: - short start-up time - reduction in the time and cost of advanced data analyses, - reduction in the time and cost of producing non-predefined reports, - upgrade and optimisation of the experts? analytical capabilities, - vision and integrated analysis of the information (data, indicators, indices, forecasts) that can be used to manage the environment effectively, - reduced costs Total Costs of Ownership. The E2SP system offers the needed flexibility to users in order to adapt it very easily to local needs and ?business models?, independently from the geographical coverage, through: - Adherence to EC regulation - Configurable reporting and data analysis common user interface and user procedures - Sharing of the same data analysis and presentation tools - Scalable services and business model (a ?pay per use? concept) adaptable to user dimension (sustainability).

Return on investment

Return on investment: Not applicable / Not available

Lessons learnt

The possibility for a better environmental management with cost effective decision support systems, extending the capabilities of Environmental Decision Support Sytems also to small environmental agiencies and private industries and making the systems cost effective for Environmental Protection Agencies in general. Scope: International, Local (city or municipality), National, Regional (sub-national)