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Walking to a green economy and a sustainable development of our natural resources

Walking to a green economy an…

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Published on: 01/03/2016 News Archived

In the past, the economic growth depended on using up natural resources as though supplies were unlimited. The result is a 'resource crisis', with a threat of shortages and rising prices. This situation need a solution based on a change of economic models, were wealth can be created without harming the environment, building a new green economy model.


The challenge of change to a green economy it can be achieved applying the correct policies and working different actuation lines as:

  • A correct managing resources

  • Using the economy for a sustainable future

  • Using the research and innovation developing new technologies, process and business models that use resources more efficiently.

  • Using the resources efficiently.

  • Developing a sustainable production and consumption

  • Preventing and managing the waste

  • Managing water resources

They are a lot of initiatives that works in this line of projects, but particularly in ECO-Innovation we can find an interesting platform when we can obtain information about different projects and policies and funding for develop theirs.

City/Location: Guadalajara


Maite Sorteo (not verified) Thu, 03/03/2016 - 12:44



Thank you for the insight, very useful I believe. I just wanted to ask what role the publich health care systems have in using resources efficently? In practice unfortunatly, it's a lot about optimizing resources rather than makeing sure they're sustainable. 




ramirobmar (not verified) Thu, 03/03/2016 - 14:08



Sometimes the correct optimization of resource, can be the first stage to make sustainable theirs, but we must advance in the development of new actives policies trying to involve different entities, as you comment. In my opinion the final objective must be achieved working in a team, for change the actual development model to a new green economy model.

