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OCS Change Management Board

Published on: 24/04/2013 Event Archived
Berlaymont building, room BERL 6B
Video conference:
Adobe Connect Audio conference
Conference Room Number: 1321861
Diall-in numbers:
Austria 0720881666
Belgium 028081363
Bulgaria 024916104
Croatia 017776145
Cyprus 22007697
Czech Rep. 228880399
Denmark 69918961
Estonia 6680336
Finland 0931581701
France 0430291000
Germany 08922061600
Greece 2111980078
Hungary (061) 8088444
Ireland 019014588
Italy 0662207265
Latvia 67859601
Lithuania 52058997
Luxembourg 20880608
Malta 27780242
Netherlands 0202629661
Poland 0223008605
Portugal 308800538
Romania 0318147900
Slovakia 0233418456
Slovenia 016003147
Spain 911876444
Sweden 0852500998
Switzerland 0225180311
UK 02033189433
Rue de la Loi, 200
1000 Brussels

Meeting of the OCS Change Management board.

Members of the board not based in Brussels can attend in a virtual "way" (web conference/ audio conference)

Expected Participants:
  • ECI organisers
  • National Authorities


Contact email


  • Review actions from previous meeting
  • Assess requirements for OCS 1.4.0
  • Any other business
Physical location
Berlaymont building, room BERL 6B
Video conference:
Adobe Connect Audio conference
Conference Room Number: 1321861
Diall-in numbers:
Austria 0720881666
Belgium 028081363
Bulgaria 024916104
Croatia 017776145
Cyprus 22007697
Czech Rep. 228880399
Denmark 69918961
Estonia 6680336
Finland 0931581701
France 0430291000
Germany 08922061600
Greece 2111980078
Hungary (061) 8088444
Ireland 019014588
Italy 0662207265
Latvia 67859601
Lithuania 52058997
Luxembourg 20880608
Malta 27780242
Netherlands 0202629661
Poland 0223008605
Portugal 308800538
Romania 0318147900
Slovakia 0233418456
Slovenia 016003147
Spain 911876444
Sweden 0852500998
Switzerland 0225180311
UK 02033189433
Rue de la Loi, 200
1000 Brussels