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European Union Public Licence - Licensing the procured software as open source

Published on: 12/01/2018 Discussion Archived


EU wide


Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administration (ISA)

Short Description

The “European Union Public Licence” (EUPL) is the first European Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) licence. It has been created on the initiative of the European Commission. It is now approved by the European Commission in 22 official languages of the European Union.

These Practical Guidelines will provide information on:

  • how to use software distributed under the “European Union Public Licence” (EUPL) and
  • how to use this licence to distribute your own software.

The guidelines are intended for those who:

  • wish to use software that has been published under the EUPL;
  • own rights to software and are considering the EUPL as the licence of choice for its distribution;
  • are starting to develop software, might integrate the EUPL licensed software and want to release the product under the EUPL or another F/OSS licence.

It should raise awareness concerning the opportunities of Free/Open Source distribution and encourage all relevant stakeholders to follow this example.


External links and documents

The document:


Charlie (not verified) Sat, 24/11/2018 - 14:41

I don't know why you are using - opaque links are really not needed here - and the first one is a 404.