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CH: The role of IT in procurement in Switzerland

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 31/03/2006 Last update: 05/03/2008 Document Archived

Description (short summary):
The study “The role of information technology in the procurement in the Top 200 companies in Switzerland” was designed and carried out by the Competence Center E-Business Basel of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland. It pursues the following three main goals:

  • Providing an overview of the significance and current status of the use of information technology in procurement;
  • Identification of challenges in the use of IT for procurement;
  • Locating priorities in the further development of IT for procurement.

The study addresses decision makers in organisations who are affected in some way by IT solutions in procurement and aims to offer them orientation for the conception and further development of solutions. In addition, it should provide research and teaching faculties with up-to-date insight into the market.

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Description of license: © 2006 FHNW. All rights reserved. Quotes and extracts from this study may only be published by third parties if the source is acknowledged.

Nature of documentation: Independent reports and studies


Type of document
