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EU: The e-Procurement Map - Third Edition

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 25/06/2010 Last update: 21/06/2010 Document Archived

Description (short summary):
There are a number of projects and initiatives in eProcurement in Europe tackling different subjects, issues or aspects of modernising public procurement. Often groups of experts or individuals behind these projects are not aware of similar projects done by colleagues in the same field working in other European countries.

Therefore, the eProcurement Forum, the community of eProcurement experts hosted by the ePractice portal, has gathered and analysed the key activities that have an impact on the development of electronic public procurement in Europe.

These efforts resulted in the creation of a dynamic map of these initiatives, which is provided to all the members of the eProcurement Forum and to any other expert interested in it. The expected effect is to make all the eProcurement stakeholders aware of what is happening in the European scenario and provide a tool for the easy identification of "who is doing what".

The 'eProcurement Map' serves as a dynamic picture of various projects, initiatives or communities, having different targets, audiences or approaches to eProcurement.

This version is an update of the second map edition available here, and introduces new initiatives and documents. Any comments, suggestions or contribution should be sent to

The document consists of three main sections:

  • Section 2: Map of the activities, where all the activities have been described providing synthetic information on objectives, approach and contacts;
  • Section 3: Available studies, proposing a selection of the available results of these activities and of the reference documents produced by the European Commission;
  • Section 4: Relevant Legal Acts, proposing the most recent legal acts issued at European level.

Any comments, suggestions or contribution should be sent to

Number of pages: 45

Related ePractice publications:
EU: The eProcurement map
EU: The eProcurement map - Second edition

ISBN Number: N/A

Description of license: © European Communities, 2010, Reproduction is authorised, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged

Nature of documentation: Annual report of activities


Type of document