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EU: The eProcurement Map - Fifth Edition

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 14/11/2011 Document Archived

Description (short summary):
There are a number of projects and initiatives in eProcurement in Europe, which tackle different subjects, issues or aspects of modernising public procurement. As is often the case, groups of experts or individuals who participate in such projects are not aware of colleagues in other European countries who work on similar projects in the same field. The eProcurement Forum, the community of eProcurement experts hosted by the portal, has gathered and analysed key activities that have an impact on the development of electronic public procurement in Europe.

These efforts have resulted in the creation of a dynamic map of these initiatives, for the use of the members of the eProcurement Forum and other interested experts. The aim is to make all eProcurement stakeholders aware of the relevant activities and actors in Europe as well as offer a tool to identify "who is doing what". The resulting eProcurement Map offers a picture of various projects, initiatives or communities, addressing different targets, audiences or approaches to eProcurement. 

The previous version of this map was published in October 2010. The present version 5 includes changes in the status of projects and documents as well as adaptations in response to comments and contributions provided by the eProcurement practitioners in Europe.  

The document treats three main areas: 

  • Map of activities, with information on objectives, approach and contacts per activity
  • Available studies, which presents results and reference documents produced by the European Commission
  • Relevant legal and non legal initiatives. 

Any comments, suggestions or contributions should be sent to

Number of pages: 28

Related ePractice publications:
EU: The eProcurement map - Fourth edition

Description of license: © European Communities, 2011. Reproduction is authorised, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged.

Nature of documentation: Other


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