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EU: Standard Basic eOrdering Format and Data Structure

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 07/07/2009 Last update: 28/08/2009 Document Archived

Description (short summary):
The PEPPOL deliverable D4.1 "Standard Basic eOrdering Format and Data Structure" is a key deliverable in a series of deliverables consisting of 5 parts and is in close connection with work done by CEN/ISSS WS/BII. It provides first information about the initial situation, the PEPPOL project, standardisation approaches and specifications in eOrdering.

After providing an introduction to the PEPPOL project in general and WP4's contribution especially, the report gives an overview of the European Interoperability Framework and its dimensions. This framework serves as guideline for the further analysis of national as-is situations and the deduction of requirements for the establishment of the desired PEPPOL infrastructure.

The report analyses the main initiatives and standardization approaches that have been launched in the last years.

Chapter 6 gives an overview of the national situations in the WP4 member countries.
Finally, chapters 6.2 and 7 discuss the findings and outline the requirements and a roadmap for bridging the gaps between existing national solutions and a Pan-European PEPPOL framework from an eOrdering perspective.

The deliverable has been issued by the PEPPOL project and it is pending for EU approval.

Number of pages:

Nature of documentation: Independent reports and studies


Type of document
