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IT Procurement Conference 2016 (IT-Beschaffungskonferenz 2016)

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 01/07/2016 Event Archived
Universität Bern
Von Roll Areal
Fabrikstrasse 8
3012 Bern

The fifth edition of the IT procurement conference will be held in Bern, Switzerland, on Wednesday, 24 August 2016.


The conference is aimed at procurement officals, consultants, lawyers and other professionals who work in the field of public procurement that grapple with IT specific procurements.


The event is organized by the Research Centre for Digital Sustainability of the Institute for Computer Science at the University of Bern, in cooperation with the Computer Science Centre of the Federal ISB, the Swiss Computer Science trade organisation SIK, SwissICT and the Swiss Open Systems User Group /ch/open.

Expected Participants:


State: Pending



See the conference website for details.

Physical location
Universität Bern
Von Roll Areal
Fabrikstrasse 8
3012 Bern