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Nordic Public Procurement Forum 2016

Published on: 17/10/2016 Event Archived
Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen Marriott Hotel
Kalvebod Brygge 5
1560 Copenhagen
Copenhagen Marriott Hotel
Kalvebod Brygge 5
1560 Copenhagen

Join the most important Public Procurement event in Northern Europe:

Nordic Public Procurement Forum (NPP) 2016

November 22nd - 25th 2016, Copenhagen

- This Year’s Focus: The New directive and the Brexit

Nohrcon's 11th Nordic Public Procurement (NPP) Forum offers a great conference to look forward to!

Register 3 persons and pay for 2!


Combine your own package - pick the days you want to attend:

- November 22nd: Special pre-conference day for the Defence/Utility sectors and about the ESPD

- November 23rd: Nordic Public Procurement Forum 2016 – day 1

- November 24th: Nordic Public Procurement Forum 2016 – day 2

- November 25th: Special post-conference day for Norwegian, Swedish and Danish Public Procurement Professionals


Meet Europe's foremost experts among the speakers:

We are delighted to announce that again in 2016, you will meet keynote speakers:

- Sue Arrowsmith, Achilles Professor of Public Procurement Law and Policy, Director, Public Procurement Research Group, University of Nottingham, UK

- Steen Treumer, Professor of Public Procurement Law and Privatization Law, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

- Susie Smith, Consultant, Bevan Brittan LLP, UK

The scope of The Nordic Public Procurement (NPP) Forum 2016 is to give you thorough insight on the implications of the new EU Public Procurement Directives, access to the latest research, knowledge and inspiration through relevant case experiences and update on recent developments in case law of the Court of Justice in the field of PP.


Gain access to:

- A thorough insight on the implications of the new Public Procurement Directive on highly relevant issues

- The latest procurement research

- Updates on recent developments in case law of the Court of Justice in the field of public procurement

- Speakers handpicked among the worlds finest public procurement experts

- Pre-conference with a drill-down on highly relevant procurement themes

- 2 days of themed main conference of European relevance

- Special Nordic Public Procurement Sessions: Norwegian, Swedish and Danish days


Meet a highly international audience:

The Nordic Public Procurement (NPP) Forum is the most important annual Public Procurement conference in Northern Europe. You will meet a highly international audience with peers from all the Nordic countries and many other nations working with public procurement in practice. See those who are already participating on the conference website.


Who should attend?

The Nordic Public Procurement Forum is of interest to all purchasers from the public and utility sectors, their suppliers and consultants and lawyers, who wish to be up to date on current issues within public procurement law and -design.


Conference language:

The main conference days will be conducted in English. The special sessions on Swedish, Norwegian and Danish  public procurement will be conducted in their respective languages.


See the entire program here:


Nordic Public Procurement Forum 2016


Expected Participants:


State: Open



- November 22nd: Special pre-conference day for the Defence/Utility sectors and about the ESPD

- November 23rd: Nordic Public Procurement Forum 2016 – day 1

- November 24th: Nordic Public Procurement Forum 2016 – day 2

- November 25th: Special post-conference day for Norwegian, Swedish and Danish Public Procurement Professionals

Physical location
Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen Marriott Hotel
Kalvebod Brygge 5
1560 Copenhagen
Copenhagen Marriott Hotel
Kalvebod Brygge 5
1560 Copenhagen