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DIGST: ‘Denmark should update eInvoicing systems’

DIGST: ‘Denmark should update…

Published on: 20/07/2016 News Archived

Denmark’s public administrations should overhaul their eInvoicing solutions, writes the Agency for Digitisation (Digitaliseringsstyrelsen - DIGST). The agency wants public administrations to prepare to introduce a European-wide eInvoicing standard, and to concentrate on the use of Danish 2010 eInvoicing standard, OIOUBL. Its forerunner, OIOXML, is to be phased out.

Denmark started working on the OIOXML eInvoicing standard in 2003. By now, the standard is “so out of date that it leads to many technical problems”, DIGST writes. The agency expects the number of problems to increase when systems are changed to support a European standard. “Therefore we encourage all public authorities to end their support for OIOXML”, the agency says.

The agency recommends all systems continue to support OIOUBL, the current Danish eInvoicing standard. Development of this standard started in 2010, and it will be supported by the national eInvoicing service NemHandel until at least 2018/2019, DIGST writes.

Open end

The agency expects that European eInvoicing systems will converge on the use of Peppol Bis, an open technical specification that is currently being developed in the Pan-European Procurement Online project (Peppol).

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The changing requirements are a consequence of Denmark’s transposing of the 2014 European Directive on electronic invoicing in public procurement.

Denmark’s public agencies began supporting electronic invoices in 2005.


More information:

DIGST announcement (in Danish)
Open Peppol