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openeprior 2.2.0 Latest release

Published on: 24/09/2018 Last update: 14/02/2024

This release contains the eInvoicing module of the e-PRIOR platform.

It includes a component to connect e-PRIOR to the PEPPOL network, allowing the reception of eInvoicing business documents using the UBL 2.2 syntax, and the back office eInvoicing Viewer.


The Directive 2014/55/EU has enforced that any public administration in Europe shall accept electronic invoices respecting the European Norm by November 2019.

In order to help administrations to meet this goal and on basis of requests of some countries, Open e-Prior has built a release that incorporates a gateway to the PEPPOL network as a first step to alignment to the e-Invoicing European Norm.

This release would provide:

  • either a transitional solution for administrations not yet prepared for the Directive
  • and/or a back-up solution to access received invoices
  • or a solution to test the reception of PEPPOL invoices.


This release does not include anymore a supplier portal as it relies directly on the gateway and on eInvoicing Viewer.


More details in the Release Notes and in the technical documentation.

Last update: 24/10/2019

eInvoicing Viewer -User Guide - Open e-PRIOR v2.2.0

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.1 or later (EUPL) 
Last update: 24/10/2019

Technical Presentation - Open e-PRIOR v2.2.0

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.1 or later (EUPL) 
Last update: 24/10/2019

Repository - Open e-PRIOR v2.2.0

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.1 or later (EUPL) 
Last update: 22/10/2019

Release Notes - Open e-PRIOR v2.2.0

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.1 or later (EUPL)