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This is the link to March 17 EOLE webinar (March 17, 2021 11:30 CET)

Published on: 10/03/2021 Event Archived
Webinar only

March 17th, 2021 11:30 - 13:00 CET

EOLE webinar 5 : Tools for public administrations

European Open Source & Free Software Law Event (EOLE) aims to promote the share and dissemination of legal knowledge related to free software, as well as the development and promotion of good practices. Initiative born in 2008 from practitioners' needs, EOLE has for purpose to develop a legal doctrine dedicated to the dissemination of neutral and qualitative information. This year the conference is divided into 5 webinars and will take place from November 2020 to March 2021.

The webinar is free of charge – there is a registration form

You can join this webinar on your computer or mobile device : Click here to join the meeting

For performance and efficiency, participant microphone and camera will be muted, but a Question / Answers session will take place at the end of each presentation.



  • Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz - Lawyer, ICT practitioner and legal expert in the framework of will present the last evolution of the Joinup Licensing Assistant (JLA)
  • Marco Conoscenti - Doctor-researcher at the Nexa Center for Internet and Society (Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy) will report on procedure for assessment of Open Source Software for Public Administrations, after the AgID (the Agency for Digital Italy) published guidelines.
  • Malcolm Bain - IT law expert at Across legal (Spain) will report on recent cases and experience.
Physical location
Webinar only