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THCLab “distillates” the EUPL for their Rust package

EUPL vision of the Human Colossus Lab

Published on: 18/09/2023 News

The THCLab introduces itself as a team of individuals that truly believe in a world, where data flows do not end up in a few data silos. They believe in the opposite, where individuals are in the centre of these flows and they are controlled by them. The decentralization is a next inevitable step towards individuals. To achieve that, we need to build proper tech that operates in a decentralized paradigm, without any central point of control. 

In their official technical Github account for Human Colossus Foundation efforts, THCLab delivers a “distillation” of the EUPL license as follows:

EUPL1.2 is a novel license in the industry. Therefore, as a potential consumer of our work, you deserve full transparency of how EUPL works or whether it is an option to consume our work in your codebase. We have chosen EUPL because we want to protect the community (see our IPR approach) from exclusive appropriation.

THCLab highlights the EUPL crucial characteristics in terms of software reusability:

  • It is compatible and business friendly, for reusing the code in a great number of other projects even licensed differently[2];
    • it is not viral: according to the provision of European Law (Directive EC 2009/24 recitals 10 & 15), the consumer can utilize static and dynamic linking with other programs without barriers or conditions.
  • It is "copyleft" for protecting the covered work from exclusive appropriation;
  • It is downstream compatible with the most relevant other reciprocal licenses (including those that were the most intensively used historically, the General Public License or GPL). Its unique compatibility provisions create a new category of F/OSS license: “Copyleft compatible” (others are: “Strong copyleft,” “Weak copyleft,” and “Without copyleft”).

More information on GitHub here

Referenced solution

Last update: 28/05/2024

EUPL - the free/open source software licence of the European Union

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