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European Commission finalises the draft EUPL v1.2

European Commission finalises…

Published on: 03/04/2015 News Archived

The draft EUPL v1.2 was presented at the European Commission Senior Management meeting as well as at the Cabinet meeting.

After this presentation, a specific point was still under investigation: the possibility of an “opt out” clause regarding the updated list of compatible licences. This list is not only extended to the GPLv3 and AGPLv3, but also to other copyleft licences like the MPL or the LGPL that protect the covered files or the derivatives of the covered works against exclusive appropriation (prohibition of re-licensing the covered files or their derivatives under a proprietary licence) without any ambition to extend their coverage to the whole work or application in which the covered file is integrated or linked.

The MPL v2 is an example of OSI-approved licence that includes this kind of opt-out.

After in depth investigation, the Commission decided to maintain the EUPL v1.2 project as it was presented originally in the public discussion forum and to the Open Source Initiative (OSI), without this opt-out clause, for the following reasons:

  • Combining works under different licences is low compared to simple re-use of the work.
  • Based on the Commission experience with the current EUPL version, only a limited number of licensors chose to limit licence to a specific EUPL version.
  • With such an opt-out clause, the meaning of “licensed under EUPL" would be quite different depending on the use of clauses and generate less clarity when communicating what the features of EUPL are.
  • The legal interoperability with other copyleft licences is one of the main and most important characteristics of the EUPL and should not be sacrificed. 


Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 06/10/2016 - 16:15

What happened to the 1.2 update? Is it dead? Over 1,5 years passed and nothing happened. We are eagerly awaiting the 1.2 update. We would appreciated if somebody could shed some light on the current status...

Patrice-Emmanuel SCHMITZ
Patrice-Emmanuel SCHMITZ Wed, 12/10/2016 - 16:30

The 1.2 update is not dead, but partly due to the "new" Commission, some internal project management issues delayed the official publication. We deeply regret this situation but confirm that the point was debated in a recent internal meeting (on 22 September 2016) where the relevant stakeholders decided to relaunch the process.

martijnhoekstra (not verified) Sat, 18/02/2017 - 18:08

Did the decision of the relevant stakeholds to relauch the process produce any results?

Patrice-Emmanuel SCHMITZ
Patrice-Emmanuel SCHMITZ Mon, 20/02/2017 - 14:40

The new project officer, Monika Sowinska (replacing Szabolcs Szekacs, gone for another DG) announced relaunch during project meeting on 23. January.