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What makes the EUPL unique?

More on Open source compatibility, interoperability etc.

Published on: 22/12/2020 Last update: 31/12/2020 News Archived

Concepts like "Open Source", "Reciprocal or permissive licence", Compatibility and Interoperability still need to be explained. Each notion has legal impact and understanding what makes a licence unique and what differentiate it from all other licences is important.

A new December 2020 presentation details the implications of the EUPL vision of sharing software based on the clarification of key concepts: Open source, Reciprocity, Compatibility, Interoperability, Compliance with EU law and  support by a strong community on


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Last update: 28/05/2024

EUPL - the free/open source software licence of the European Union

LegalReusable Software Components+3 topics