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Quarano, a Start-up Solution against Covid-19

SaaS under EUPL

Published on: 29/05/2020 News Archived

As part of the #WirVsVirus hackathon, the start-up Quarano, based at the Mannheim Health Office, proposes a new application for documenting Covid19 infection cases and report the relevant persons to be contacted by Health Authorities.

The Quarano ambition was to build a solution that would help Health Authorities to track contacts quickly and easily in crisis and emergency time. In comparison to the other “Corona apps” on the market, it was important to keep a strong focus on administration. Therefore the solution is a tool that fits into existing administrative processes.

Quarano is organized as an association. Currently they have a team of around 30 people with a wide variety of professional backgrounds. The association has been funded by the BMBF since May 2020, with a large part of the team still working on a voluntary basis. After the Mannheim Health Office, Quarano hopes to be able to support other offices in Germany.

The Quarano software is open-source under the European Union Public Licence (EUPL) and freely accessible to everyone. In addition and at cost price, Quarano proposes the service of implementing a SaaS on-line model – ensuring the solution maintenance and its compliance with all relevant guidelines.

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Last update: 28/05/2024

EUPL - the free/open source software licence of the European Union

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