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Slovenia releases Secure e-Delivery under EUPL

Slovenia releases Secure e-De…

Published on: 11/02/2016 News Archived

The Slovenian government developed a demo implementation of its secure e-Delivery system and released it under the EUPL license.

According to news published by the ebXML community (Electronic Business Using XML), Slovenian courts are successfully using secure e-delivery since 2011, with the number of electronically delivered court documents constantly rising (1,3 million judiciary documents delivered in 2015). 
Currently they are using their own protocol (and corresponding XML schemas).  However, in 2014 it was decided to develop a new e-delivery system, capable of introducing secure e-delivery to other areas of public administration, not only limited to judiciary. 
It is their IT policy/strategy to preferably use open standards for information interchange, and for their purpose the OASIS ebMS standard seemed convenient.   
The fact that it was chosen by some LSP's (e-Codex and e-Sens) for the same purpose was an additional incentive. 
The primary goal with the new e-delivery system was to find a common understanding (and hopefully an agreement) within Slovenian public administration on what and how to use secure e-delivery, while providing a common platform for secure e-delivery. 
To further encourage the use of the new system country-wide, the Slovenian government developed a demo implementation of the system and published everything under the EUPL license. 


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