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Licensing in Research centre repository

Twente University - 4TU.Research Data

Published on: 24/07/2021 News

4TU. ResearchData is an international data repository for science, engineering and design, developed by the University of Twente (NL). It offers research dataset curation, sharing, long-term access and preservation services to anyone, anywhere.

4TU. Training and community engagement resources are available to research and research-support professionals working to make their research data findable, accessible, interoperable and reproducible (FAIR).

For data, 4TU. Proposes a licence set that includes seven licences, all from the Creative Commons (CC) family, from the most permissive CC0 (public domain dedication) to the most restrictive CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives). 4TU does not hide some preference for the most permissive forms of licensing , although highlighting the risks it may present for users, since CC0 doesn’t legally require users of the data to cite the source (the “attribution” obligation), and not citing the source could be considered plagiarism, which would compromise the user reputation and the credibility of the published work.

For software, 4TU recommends eight licences, including the EUPL:

  • Three of them are permissive: MIT, BSD, Apache (meaning that derivative software can be distributed under another licence and without disclosing the modified source code);
  • Four of them are copyleft, from the GNU GPL licenses family (meaning that distributed derivative must stay covered by the licence and their source code published;
  • The EUPL represents the intermediary solution, where distribution includes SaaS with a wide compatibility and granted interoperability.

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Tel: +31 (0)15 27 88 600


Referenced solution

Last update: 28/05/2024

EUPL - the free/open source software licence of the European Union

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