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Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 31/03/2014 Event Archived
Kitz - Kieler Innovations- und Technologiezentrum
Kieler Linux Initiative
c/o Kitz - Kieler Innovations- und Technologiezentrum
Schauenburgerstr. 116
24118 Kiel

The 12th Kieler Open Source and Linux days will take place on 19 and 20 September 2014. The conference programme for Friday is aimed at the use of free and open source in organisations and enterprises, on Saturday the schedule will focus on the community.

According to the organisers, this year's conference will see presentations on a wide range of topics, including enterprise resource management systems, embedded solutions, mobile applications, servers, virtualisation, graphics and games. Further talks are expected on office productivity tools, data protection, and the use of free and open source software in education.

"On both days, projects and companies will have the opportunity to present their products in the exhibition area."

Expected Participants:


Physical location
Kitz - Kieler Innovations- und Technologiezentrum
Kieler Linux Initiative
c/o Kitz - Kieler Innovations- und Technologiezentrum
Schauenburgerstr. 116
24118 Kiel