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Unlocking Data Accessibility: EU's Practical Guide for Enhanced Reusability

EU's Data Accessibility Guide

Published on: 17/06/2024 News

In an era dominated by data-driven decision-making, effective presentation of data in government reports and policy documents is paramount. Recognizing this need, the Publications Office of the European Union has unveiled the "Data in Publications" guide, tailored to assist professionals across various sectors in enhancing data presentation.

data in publications online guide logo

Designed for researchers, policymakers, IT experts, and designers, the guide offers a wealth of tips, examples, and resources for writing about data, creating visualizations, and preparing data for publication. Whether crafting reports, studies, or policy briefs, users can leverage this comprehensive resource to elevate their data presentation skills.

The guide, currently in beta, serves as a dynamic tool, open to user feedback for continual improvement. By incorporating user insights, the Publications Office aims to ensure that the guide remains relevant and effective in meeting the evolving needs of data-centric publications.